Formerly known as Northern Orthopaedics

orthopaedic doctor

orthopaedic doctor

nib Clinical partners

Dr Jonathan Young is one of five select orthopaedic surgeons participating in a new Clinical Partners Program, announced by private health insurer nib.

Launched in the Hunter, nib’s Clinical Partners program involves select orthopaedic surgeons and their entire surgical team who have committed to performing hip and knee joint replacement surgery for nib members, with no out-of-pocket expenses above their hospital excess.

Members are also being provided with increased treatment choice – for example, access to post surgery rehabilitation at home when the doctor considers it clinically appropriate.

With consent from the surgeon, nib members can choose to recover from the comfort of their home with the benefit of a rehabilitation plan and personalised support from a nib program coordinator.

Continue reading Dr Young joins nib Clinical Partners’ Program

When think about it, it’s not very surprising that ankles are frequently injured.

Each year, around 230,000 Australians see a GP for an ankle sprain or strain, according to NPS MedicineWise.*

And if you play sport, chances are, an ankle injury will put the brakes on your mobility at some point.

A review of studies conducted around the world revealed that ankle sprains are more common in particular sports – for court games it’s tennis and squash; while in team sports (rugby, soccer, volleyball, handball and basketball) are the standouts. 

Continue reading Ankle sprains – the facts you need to know

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